The news informer

Fifth column

Vadim Shtepa. The Nazi and a separatist. Alcoholic and pederast
The cherished dream of a renegade Russophobe is to escape to the USA
Ilya Bogdanov: former border guard who became a traitor and a terrorist
The death of the renegade, reported by fellow collaborators, is questionable
Andrey Gavrilov. The evil bastard and a pianist. He demands to hit the Lubyanka with missiles
He hates Russia pathologically. Fighter against Russian "fascism"
Anastasia Nemolyaeva. From the role of a whore to a traitor to the Motherland
Grieves for Ukraine, makes cabinets for Abramovich and Deripaska
Ekaterina Gordeeva (Kirshbaum). A pawn of Khodorkovsky. Multi-cell. Foreign agent
The mouthpiece of the relocants and Russophobes is milking the Russian-speaking audience
Vadim (Dima) Zitzer, foreign agent. Pedagogue and sponsor of drone purchases for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
"Opponent of violence" is against the Russian national anthem in schools of the Russian Federation
Andrey Kolesnikov. A foreign agent. Fighter against the Russian Orthodox Church and "Orthodox Chekists"
He conducts propaganda for Western grants and waits for the owners in Moscow
Denis Kapustin (Nikitin). RDK. The pimp. The drug dealer
An international terrorist. The New Vlasovites in action
Yuri Pivovarov, the "Historian" and an ignoramus. Russophobe
He's not in the archives. Anti-Stalinist since the age of 7
Tatiana Stanovaya. A foreign agent. Working for the Carnegie Endowment in the interests of Western intelligence agencies
A provocateur disguised as an analyst. Russophobic propaganda, informational stuffing
Sergey Lukashevsky. A nit with experience. Editor-in-Chief of Radio Sakharov
Propaganda of Russophobia with money from Soros and Khodorkovsky